It has been estimated that up to one in five adults worldwide live with chronic pain, a complex and widely misunderstood condition.
Pfizer and Eli Lilly are advancing tanezumab, a potential first-in-class treatment for moderate-to-severe osteoarthritis, an area of significant unmet need. The submission of a Biologics License Application to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for subcutaneous administration of tanezumab 2.5 mg for moderate-to-severe osteoarthritis was completed in December 2019.
Beyond medicines, Pfizer is driven by a commitment to amplify awareness of the burden of chronic pain and the unique challenges patients face. Mike Gladstone, Global President, Internal Medicine,spoke at the 2019 Atlantic Festival on these topics, engaging leaders in health care, business, arts and science.
To further shape dialogue and encourage prioritizing pain on national health agendas, Pfizer and Lilly co-sponsored astudy assessing the policy environment impacting chronic pain in Europe, producing data-based conclusions and actionable insights.
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Goal 14
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Goal 15
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