In December, Pfizer introduced “The Antigen,” an eight-part podcast that explores the scientific, cultural and political aspects of vaccination. Pfizer created this first-of-its-kind docuseries because it is the ideal medium to engage a variety of different voices around a complex topic.
Host Yasmeen Agosti, a pediatrician and member of the viral vaccines group at Pfizer, interviewed a variety of external experts, including academic researchers, policy experts, global health advocates, journalists and people who have been personally impacted by vaccine-preventable diseases.
“This podcast is important for anyone who wants to better understand vaccines,” says Agosti. “I spend a lot of time thinking about vaccines because of my work, but this allowed me to help others understand and uncover the larger story of vaccines and society.”
The docuseries explores the basic science of vaccines, reviews highlights of vaccine history and examines the many facets of their global impact to educate and encourage the dialogue around vaccination as preventative medicine. To learn more, listenhere.
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