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  • Branded drugs are more expensive because they’re newer, generally groundbreaking, and often for conditions that are difficult to treat. However, after a certain period of time, these same innovative medicines become generic medicines.

  • The difference between our approach and that of many other companies is that when a medicine becomes a generic, we still assume responsibility. Rather than focus on just what’s in development, we continue to closely monitor the quality, safety, and reliability of our generic medicines.

Real People Ashley Tisdale’s Alopecia Areata Journey: How the Star Found Support and Is Helping People Feel Less Alone “It’s really hard to be vulnerable, but I’ve realized other people have alopecia areata too and have probably struggled with this like I did. So, I asked myself, ‘Why am I not talking about this?’ I should probably share what I've learned through my own journey.” Real People From Internship to C-Suite, Pfizer Executive Pays It Forward When Payal Sahni Becher reflects on the valuable lessons that have shaped her life, the one that stands out most is the power of saying “yes.” Programs & Initiatives This Rotational R&D Program Allows Young Scientists to Experiment in Their Careers Participants in Pfizer's unique science career program can gain experience in drug discovery, regulatory affairs & more.

The medicines available today have taken an average of 12 years to develop. With dedication, creativity, and science, we can significantly cut that time.

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