Pfizer continues to demonstrate itscommitment to the LGBTQ community in a variety of ways; in 2019, we joined other companies to support passage of the Equality Act and received – for the 16th consecutive year – the highest possible score on the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index.
In June, Pfizer’s Activation team partnered with the Pfizer colleague resource group, OPEN (Out Pfizer Employee Network), to amplify the company’s legacy of participation in LGBTQ Pride Month. The activities included creating a full social media calendar, changing corporate icons and flying a rainbow flag outside headquarters.
The initiative was Pfizer’s top-performing social media campaign of the year, which included highlighting an in-person visit from LGBTQ activist and Emmy-nominated actress Laverne Cox, who emphasized the importance of living authentically and being resilient.
“The best way to communicate our diversity at Pfizer is to live it and show it,” says Emily Krassen, Senior Manager, Digital Video Strategy & Content, Pfizer. “I am proud to work on a campaign that promotes the diversity and inclusion that Pfizer continues to emphasize internally, so that we can be a great place to work for everyone.”
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