2021 Stories
Deliver First-in-Class Science
Forging New Pathways to Treat Unintentional Weight Loss
Researchers are working to find solutions for people with both cancer and cachexia, a serious metabolic condition

Win the Digital Race in Pharma
Fueling Tomorrow’s Breakthrough Therapies Through the Power of Data at Scale
Leveraging supercomputers to mine for solutions to complex diseases

Deliver First-in-Class Science
On the Fast Track to a More Targeted Treatment for Rare Disease
Novel gene therapy candidate, targeting root cause of Wilson disease, receives U.S. FDA Fast Track designation

Lead the Conversation
COVID-19 Vaccination: Deepening the Public’s Trust Through Science
Addressing vaccine hesitancy through scientific rigor and data transparency

Unleash the Power of Our People
Expanding Colleague Health and Wellness Support with New Resources
Empowering colleagues to be their best selves

Deliver First-in-Class Science
Bringing Vaccine Science to Tick-Borne Diseases
Combining a 45-year heritage and a new collaboration to tackle the growing footprint of tick-borne illnesses