Pfizer advocates for the cancer community to support the needs of all that are impacted by cancer along with the encouragement to join forces.
Supporting the needs of patients
We work closely with patient advocates, professional organizations, policy makers, and foundations to better understand the needs of patients, families, caregivers, and others impacted by cancer and find ways to meet those needs.
We encourage our partners to share best practices and work together to achieve patient-centric solutions. Our goal is to provide the educational, emotional, and psychosocial resources that can make a real difference in patient outcomes.
We also provide millions of dollars in grants each year to fund organizations that provide essential programs and services to patients coping with a wide range of cancers.
We're driving the breakthroughs of tomorrow while fighting against cancer today. The fight takes all of us. Start by answering a few questions to understand your own cancer risks at
Get Started DetailsJoining forces to speed advances and breakthrough medicines to patients
At Pfizer, we know we can’t go at it alone and are actively supporting the development of an emerging, highly networked ecosystem that will catalyze tomorrow’s health innovation.
This includes working with patient foundations, patients, government, payers, healthcare professionals, academia, and even some of our competitors in the biopharmaceutical industry.
Challenging our colleagues to do more
The Global Health Fellows (GHF) program is an international corporate volunteer program that places Pfizer colleagues in short-term fellowships with international development organizations. Fellows return with experience and relationships that help inform their ability to have an impact on pressing health concerns and to do business more efficiently.
Learn more about the Global Health Fellows program
Supporting women with metastatic breast cancer (MBC)
In 2015, to address the unique needs of MBC patients worldwide, Pfizer and the UICCa awarded grants totaling $760,000 to 20 organizations from 18 countries under a first-of-its-kind initiative, SPARCb-MBC Challenge.
The challenge aims to empower advocacy groups, hospital networks, support groups, and other organizations to close the gap in information, support, awareness, and policy between MBC and early stage disease, and support women diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer.