Pfizer is committed to understanding and mitigating the environmental risk associated with the production of antibiotics. Since spearheading the formation of the AMR Industry Alliance Manufacturing Group in 2017, Pfizer continues to play a leading role in developing industry recommendations to address the potential environmental impact of antibiotic production through responsible manufacturing processes to limit antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
Through the Alliance, Pfizer is developing solutions to address the potential impact of manufacturing discharges on AMR. We worked with the Alliance Manufacturing Group to establish science-driven, risk-based targets for discharge concentrations for antibiotics and we agreed on a common Alliance Manufacturing Framework (the Framework) for managing antibiotic wastewater discharges.
Pfizer is committed to implementing the Framework across our supply chain and working toward meeting the recently published discharge targets. While Pfizer and other AMR Industry Alliance manufacturers work to deliver their respective commitments, success in addressing antibiotic manufacturing concerns will require good environmental management practices to be adopted across the entire industry antibiotic supply chain. Widespread adoption of the Alliance Manufacturing Framework will be a key step in this direction. To this end Pfizer worked with the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative to incorporate the requirements of the Framework into supplier auditing protocols.