Martha Stewart has seemingly done it all – she’s a lifestyle expert, media mogul, and even founded a care center to support the geriatric population.

She recently chatted with about why she joined the Got Yours? COVID-19 vaccination campaign, how her father’s job at Pfizer impacted her view on science, how she juggles her busy schedule and more!

Pfizer: The first thing we wanted to ask you is why you chose to partner with Pfizer, and if you've had a favorite part of being involved in the Got Yours? campaign thus far?

Martha: I chose to work with Pfizer predominantly because of Pfizer's reputation, and also because I am a firm believer in COVID-19 vaccines. I have many friends in the medical field, both doctors and hospital staff, and we have discussed the importance of vaccines. I mean, this has been going on for three years now and Pfizer has always been leading the way when it comes to helping to protect us from COVID-19, so that's one reason. But the other reason is my dad worked for Pfizer when I was a child and I have a fond childhood memory of the company. That also made me pay attention to what Pfizer was doing in response to COVID-19.

Pfizer: That's great. If we could talk about your dad a little bit, did his work in the pharmaceutical industry impact your views on science at all, from a young age and into the later years of your life?

Martha: I'm one of six. We all went to college and some of us got advanced degrees. We loved our science classes. We were brought up with a very curious nature, and science, as well as medicine, was a big part of it. And being smart about one's health is a part of it for me, especially because at my age I have to really take care of myself. As a result of my interest in science, I founded the Martha Stewart Centers for Living at Mount Sinai. Now that the elderly population over 65, the geriatric population, is growing in the U.S., it's very important that we pay attention and support them. So that's a long-winded, but important, answer about why science is significant to me.

Pfizer: Just to go back to the Got Yours? campaign itself, why is vaccination specifically important to you, and what made you decide to get the COVID-19 vaccine from the beginning of the pandemic up until now?

Martha: As I listened to figures like Dr. Fauci, and particularly to my own doctors, I felt that we had to have a vaccine against this very, very terrible disease. And I saw what was happening around me – I kept track of the numbers of deaths in the United States. Every day I wrote them down as a record, and wow, was it frightening. We didn't want anything like that to happen around us – we believe in this kind of medicine.

Pfizer: Thanks for sharing that. It’s important to look back and see how far we’ve come, but we must also continue the efforts that got us here. For our last question relating to the campaign specifically, we were wondering if you had a favorite part of shooting the ad – for example, chopping a bunch of pineapples?

Martha: It was fun, and you had such a fantastic crew. And I notice stuff like that because I've been doing this a long time. But I was really pleased with the whole thing, and I love how it turned out.

Pfizer: That’s awesome – we did too. Our next few questions are related to general health. So, what do you consider the key to a healthy and fulfilling life? You surely have a lot of wisdom to provide.

Martha: First of all, I live a very healthy life. I care very much about staying healthy, living well and aging successfully. So, I eat extremely well. I start my day with exercise. I am now doing Pilates three or four times a week. I also drink eight ounces of my green juice made from my own homegrown vegetables every single morning. And I also have a one-shot cappuccino with whole milk. I don't drink a lot – I might have a social drink every now and then. I think all of that helps keep me extremely healthy. My only issue is I've never slept very well. I have an active mind, so I must sleep more. But I really do live the life I write, talk about and show on television.

Pfizer: Also, since you're obviously a great cook, we were wondering if you might have an easy, healthy meal that someone can make themselves if they're not feeling great.

Martha: I think people should, as I said, be conscious of what they eat, especially when you're not feeling well. And for me, that would be a bowl of delicious soup. Soup is so easy to make well, so I have lots of recipes. One of my favorites is a vegetable soup that's simply cut up onions, leeks, carrots, sweet potatoes and a little olive oil and other vegetables, plus vegetable stock made at home. For me, everything's homemade. I rarely open a can and make “my own” pretty much everything. This weekend I taught my 12-year-old granddaughter how to pickle little peppers, and she was so happy to take home a half a gallon.

Pfizer: That sounds fantastic! Now we just have a few final questions that are more about you, and also the holiday season, so we can get to know you better. We know that your schedule is always jam-packed. How do you find the time to do it all, and do you have any tips you might be able to share?

Martha: I have Dorian working on my calendar, and she tries to keep me along the straight and narrow. It's hard because when you see my calendar in a day it's hideous – it's really intimidating actually. So, we have calendar meetings regularly and we go over everything very clearly.

Pfizer: Scheduling is key. Would you share one thing you wish more people knew about you – anything that comes to mind.

Martha: That I'm really very serious about the sustainable lifestyle that I lead. I think it's very important for people to know all that – it’s something I’m proud of.

Pfizer: Also, as you're known for being a tastemaker, could you share just a few of your favorite things? Your favorite scent, your favorite flower, and your favorite food.

Martha: Oh, for flower it’s what's in bloom now. It has to be that because I love, love flowers. Today I went into my greenhouse, and I brought in one of the most beautiful orchids that just started to bloom. So that's my favorite flower today. But I don't know what it'll be tomorrow – I'll find something else that would be equally beautiful. My favorite scent is one of my favorite perfumes – it's a combination of tuberose and gardenia. And my favorite food, is hard to say – Japanese food is my favorite cuisine overall, I could eat it pretty much every day!

Pfizer: Fabulous! Our last question is about the holiday season, which can be a good time for people to get vaccinated before being with loved ones. We’re wondering what your favorite holiday traditions are and what you love most about this time of year.

Martha: The holiday season should be a happy time. However, we're stressed out this year because of what's going on in the world. Many of us are distracted from the holidays and the happiness of what the season should be. I recommend you try to make the most of it. Be with your family and your friends. You can't erase what's going on around us, but you can encompass a lot of compassion for what's going on and help in any ways you can.

Pfizer: That’s great advice. Thank you so much, Martha, for taking the time.

Martha: My pleasure!

If you’re interested in learning more about COVID-19 vaccines or scheduling an appointment, you can visit VaxAssist.comextlink label.