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Pfizer Joins Annual Brunch Run to Support Cancer Support Non-Profit Imerman Angels

Cancer run

As patients, family members, caregivers, and friends, it’s likely we’ve each been affected in some way by cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, one in three people in the U.S. are affected by the disease1. And while our Oncology team works every day to find new therapies and treatments for various forms of cancer, Pfizer’s commitment to help end cancer doesn’t stop at the lab door. It includes financial support and colleague participation in community groups and events. Pfizer was present—in more ways than one—at one such event recently: a fun run/walk alongside the Chicago lakefront.

On Saturday June 17, the Imerman Angels’ Ninth Annual Brunch Run 5K and Walk took place on Montrose Harbor. Pfizer was the presenting sponsor of the event, which featured more than 1,025 walkers, runners, volunteers, and partners coming together in support of a good cause.

Before the run began, Katrina M. Johnson, Pfizer’s U.S. Director of Advocacy and Professional Relations and three-time Breast Cancer and two-time Melanoma survivor kicked things off with opening remarks that emphasized the company’s commitment to the cause.

“Pfizer wanted to be presenting sponsor to demonstrate our commitment. Our commitment to our colleagues if and when they ever receive a cancer diagnosis, we’re all-in to support them,” she said. “And how do we do that? We do it through Imerman Angels, right? So today we brunch run for Imerman so we can support them the way they have supported so many of us through a difficult time.”

Several group members attended the Brunch Run, where, in addition to the event sponsorship, Pfizer fielded two teams of employee participants and altogether raised more than $10,000 for Imerman Angels to help them to provide support for all those impacted by cancer.

Imerman Angels is an external non-profit organization that provides personalized connections that enable one-on-one support among cancer fighters, survivors, previvors, and caregivers, and has long partnered with Pfizer via our Butterfly Club. Launched a decade ago by Pfizer employees and breast cancer survivors Lynette Bojko and Nikki Shaffer, The Butterfly Club is a network of Pfizer employees who are living with or have survived cancer. The Club provides a way for fellow cancer survivors to find support and give back.

“I am humbled and honored to see the impacts the Butterfly Club and Imerman are making. We can do great things to support those with cancer,” says Shaffer, Senior Director of Pfizer Colleague Wellness at Pfizer.

Pfizer’s partnership with Imerman Angels is not simply an employee perk, but an integral part of Pfizer’s colleagues’ healthcare. Access to the program exists as a health benefit, ensuring that our colleagues have one-on-one support if and when they are impacted by cancer, either as a cancer fighter, survivor, previvor, or caregiver.

“I am so proud to work for a company that is laser-focused on helping people impacted by cancer,” says Bojko, the Head of Strategic Sourcing & Business Management at Pfizer. “The support provided by the Pfizer Butterfly Club in partnership with Imerman Angels has already helped so many Pfizer colleagues navigate their cancer journey.

    1. What is Cancer? | Cancer Basics | American Cancer Society
    Cancer Employees Partnerships
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