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Inroads X Pfizer – A Progressive Partnership

Innovation isn’t easy. Otherwise everyone could do it.

It takes many talented people putting their heads together to find inventive ways around some of the world’s biggest and toughest challenges. But, on top of being talented, everyone needs to be talented in different ways.

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If you send a group of people with similar backgrounds and experiences a challenge, chances are they’d approach it in the same way. But that is not how innovation happens. You need different people. From different backgrounds. With different experiences. You need them to challenge each other and approach the task from every possible angle. Only then will you find the unexpected solutions that lead to breakthroughs that genuinely change people’s lives.

So, to us, it’s vital that everyone feels welcome here, every single day. Just as we want all patients to have equal access to the drugs they need – we believe that everyone within our business deserves to be seen, heard and respected for exactly who they are. That’s why we invest in diverse and inclusive practices, partnering with Business Leaders and organizations around the world to make sure our approaches and processes reflect the values we hold.

Which is why we have recently expanded our partnership with INROADS, a non-profit that seeks to develop and place talented under-served young people in business and industry. Preparing them for corporate and community leadership.

Since 1970, INROADS has been a pioneer in diversity, finding innovative ways to develop diverse workforces. These initiatives have helped usher in a more inclusive Corporate America. And the results speak for themselves, with more than 30,000 INROADS’ Alumni representing their mission as organizational leaders.

That’s five decades. Five decades of helping businesses gain greater access to diverse talent. All by helping to develop leaders from outstanding, ethnically diverse students. Placing these students in internships at many of North America’s top corporations, firms and organizations.

While Pfizer has been partnering with INROADS since 1998, we are expanding our partnership to underline the importance diversity, equity and inclusion has at Pfizer. Together we are going to grow from accepting 10 student placements a year, to 50 for the Summer Student Worker Program between 2021-2023 – a $1.2 million commitment. We’re also creating an enterprise initiative, expanding our relationship with INROADS so it can be harnessed by all groups in Pfizer. So everyone can access this varied and exceptional talent pool, while providing even more varied opportunities to them.

We’re proud to be part of this partnership, which will be kicked off with our sponsorship of the INROADS 50th Anniversary Gala and Disruptive Innovation Diversity Summit. All of the proceeds directly support over 4,000 under-represented, talented high school and college students to receive leadership training, coaching, mentoring and opportunities for paid corporate internships.

This is something we’re passionate and excited about. We know that we’ll only be the best we can be when our workforce is as diverse as those we serve.

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