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Ensuring the Integrity of Our Relationships with Health Care Professionals

We adhere to high scientific and ethical standards: Pfizer's work with health care professionals is based in sound science and focused on improving patient health. We are committed to meeting the highest of ethical standards in our work with health care professionals to ensure the integrity of these relationships and their value to patients.

Our work is governed by laws, regulations and policies: Since our work with health care professionals directly impacts the lives and health of patients, it is governed by a range of federal and state regulations, in addition to our own internal policies.

Pfizer's commitments

Pfizer's corporate policies:

  • These promote ethical relationships with health care professionals and institutions.
  • Pfizer expects each of our employees to share a commitment to ethical relationships and has established mandatory training programs and controls to help ensure all employees understand and adhere to these policies.
  • We conduct audits to ensure compliance with our policies.

Industry regulations

The PhRMA Code on Interactions with Health Care Professionalsextlink label:

  • Pfizer has fully adopted the PhRMA Code, which is a voluntary set of industry guidelines governing biopharmaceutical company relationships with U.S. health care professionals.
  • Per PhRMA Code guidelines, Pfizer may not give U.S. health care professionals any non-educational gifts (such as pens or notepads), provide them with out-of-office meals hosted by sales representatives or their immediate managers (except in connection with Expert-Led Forums), or provide them with any entertainment or recreational items, such as tickets to sporting events or vacations.

Learn more about how we disclose payments made to health care professionals